The "nEXt" Series
April - June 2023
In an unprecedented Taylor Swift-esc moment, I subconsciously painted a series about the agonizing nature of dating.
Created over the past 3 months (throughout my last failure-to-launch) each painting was painstakingly painted one color at a time, from left to right, each overlapping with the previous. Soon enough, I realized this practice was hilariously reminiscent of a sequence of dates in an effort to get to know someone new. It wasn’t until each piece was complete that hindsight allowed me to see the whole thing clearly.
I wound up with paintings that symbolize the kinds of people my single friends and I are sick of wasting our time on. Each got “x-ed” with the very thing that held it together all along - the tape around the edges - where I wrote the word that popped into my head once I realized what each represented. All except the largest one… read on for why.
"This person showers you with all the things you think are good signs: tons of compliments, fancy dinners, expensive gifts. They even send flowers. It seems like they really like you because of all this. But don’t let yourself get swooned by that stuff. Stuff doesn’t matter. What lovebombers are giving in frivolity is just masking what they’re lacking in emotional depth, effort to get to know you, quality time, and vulnerability - the stuff that does matter.'"
Lovebomber SOLD
12x36in oil and tape on canvas
36x12in oil and tape on canvas
"Also known as “breadcrumber” this is the one who will reliably show up, but only to give you the bare minimum - just enough to keep a flickering ember of affection alive. It’s wrenching because you see their potential so clearly, but your gut knows you have to take what they’re giving you at face value, and it just isn’t enough. This is the one that forces you to break your own heart by walking away because they never will."
"Hot, then cold. Texting nonstop, then gets quiet. Lovey-dovey, then blaming you for all their problems. Seems to enjoy a classy night out and then insists that they’ve always been more into camping... These clowns are plagued with immaturity and have no idea who they are. They will try on all sorts of different hats, fits, and faces trying to figure it out while they drag you along for companionship because they’re too scared to be alone. If they’re waffling left and right and you never know what’s coming next, trust me, they don’t know either. They’re just putting on a big damn show, and you need to get out of that circus before their performance makes you too dizzy to find the exit."
Waffler Clown
24x18in oil and tape on canvas
Peter Pan
36x12in oil and tape on canvas
"This one is so much fun, all the time. They have all the jokes, games, activities, friends, toys, hobbies - always with a packed schedule of plans that can’t be interrupted. They might bring you along for the festivities and you’ll have a great time, but don’t think it’s because they’re interested in growing anything serious with you. Peter Pans never never grow up. They won’t slow down and compromise on any part of their bachelor/ette lifestyle to make room for you and your needs. Grown-up goals are too scary for them, and they’ll feed on the imaginary fountain of youth until they wake up one day, alone. You deserve better, Wendy. Fly away.
"It’s not ok to be coerced into questioning if your memory is correct. You should never be criticized and put down for your emotions and reactions to bullshit. It’s absurd to be told that you’re the crazy one by someone who thinks it’s ok to lie, cheat, and attempt to manipulate reality in their favor. Gaslighters will do anything to protect their controlling narcissistic agendas. If you’re being made to feel out of your mind, they’ve crafted it that way so they can be in power. This is abuse, and it is not your fault. Get help from friends and trained domestic violence advocates to get your beautiful soul to safety."
18x24in oil and tape on canvas
Fuck Yes Girl
Original NFS, 9/20 limited edition 12x12 prints available
"I was recently told that I was the “fuck yes girl” - that I “had it all”. That getting to know me was “like peeling back an onion that just kept getting sweeter” until he found himself with “a precious person”. He said I was everything he hoped to find, and that’s exactly why he couldn’t be with me. He said I deserved everything, but decided he was prepared to give nothing, despite leading me on for 3 months… And whether he was being genuine or blowing smoke up my ass, he was right. This painting represents me, and the way I open myself up to people, layer by layer. I don’t plan on changing it. I plan on mustering up the same courage to do so as many times as I have to until someone is ready to say “fuck yes.”