The second annual Darien Alumni Art Show was recently hosted from June 10-12 at The Mather Homestead in Darien, Connecticut. The event opened on Friday night and attracted over 250 people. Six of Boston-based artist Katie Southworth’s original works were exhibited alongside the artwork of 14 fellow Darien High School alumni, including three of Southworths class mates: Lily Morgan, Michael Ziga, and Eric Kannigan. Of the six pieces displayed, three of the paintings from Southworth’s Unseen Light Collection, “Aquarius,” “Tropic Ease,” and “Priceless” sold at the show. Her 65x122" piece, "Sequence", hung over the entire gallery and encouraged visitors to look up, generating high spirits and excitement.
In addition to the artwork displayed at the show, the musical talents of current Darien Public School students and alumni were showcased. James Hilton (@jamsehilton), the Middlesex Middle School jazz band, and James Crawford (@wallermusic_ ) played on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively. “It’s great to see momentum and excitement building around artistic talent that comes out of our hometown. It’s important to show current students, like the middle school jazz band that attended, that being an artist is valued and available to them,” said Southworth.
The third annual Darien Alumni Art Show will be held in June of 2023, and those involved are hopeful that the event will continue to inspire the Darien community and the students who are considering pursuing art in the future.